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Owner / Head coach





I’ve been in the health and fitness industry for over 20 years now, predominantly as a personal trainer and Strength and Conditioning coach. I have been lucky enough to attend some amazing conferences, seminars, and workshops, learning from some incredible speakers and coaches from all over the world.


I’m sure many peoples first impression of CrossFit would be the same as all the other fads, dismissing it after having had their fingers burnt by false promises in the past. I must confess when I first heard about it years ago this was my initial reaction. It all changed when I did my first WOD (Workout of the day). I will always remember it, Barbara, I even had to scale this 'seemingly simple' 5 round circuit to 3 rounds!


That’s all it took, I was hooked! Shortly after following some of the WODs I decided to take the next step and read the manual, I printed off a copy and couldn’t put it down. For the first time here was something that was ticking all the boxes that I knew were needed to get results. A few months later I was hungry for more so I took my CrossFit L1 coaches course.


Reading the manual, many journal articles and taking my L1 turned out to be the link that was missing in both my formal education and my practical experience. Everything just all fell into place. I immediately knew that this program had what people needed:


• Simple in its appearance due to the lack of

machines, gadgets, isolation movements and

general fluff, a strong focus on real training not ‘entertraining’


• Complex, well written and presented,
understandable and non-anecdotal underpinning theory.


• Challenging, effective and completely scalable

for any level athlete.


• Rewarding and enjoyable through learning

new skills, competing against yourself and others,

and being part of a community of like minded people.


My overall health and fitness is my personal testimonial
to the Crossfit program. Across all of the 10 fitness disciplines my performance has dramatically increased since following this lifestyle. I want to help as many people start, and/or guide them through this amazing journey as possible.


This has led to me becoming an official CrossFit affiliate, allowing me to coach others in the theories and practices of this amazing form of training.


To take your next step into becoming a CrossFit athlete, head over to the Get Started page for information on getting involved.

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